General Index
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Adams, Henry Alcott, Louisa May Bankhead, Tallulah Barth, John Barthelme, Donald Bellow, Saul Benchley, Robert Berra, Yogi Bierce, Ambrose Billings, Josh Black Elk Black Hawk of the Sac Bradford, William Bradstreet, Anne Brant of the Mohawks Brown, Charles Brockden Castaneda, Carlos Cather, Willa Cooper, James Fenimore Crane, Stephen Crčvecoeur, Hector St. John de Cunningham, J. V. DeLillo, Don DeVries, Peter Dickinson, Emily Douglass, Frederick Dreiser, Theodore Dunbar, Paul Laurence Eastman, Max Edwards, Jonathan Eliot, T. S. Ellison, Ralph Emerson, Ralph Waldo Faulkner, William Fitzgerald, F. Scott Franklin, Benjamin Frost, Robert Fuller, Margaret Goldwyn, Samuel Gordon, Carolyn Hardwick, Elizabeth Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hecht, Ben Hemingway, Ernest Henry, O. Holmes, Oliver Wendell Howells, William Dean Irving, John Irving, Washington James, Henry Jefferson, Thomas Joseph of the Nez Perce Kennedy, John F. Kerouac, Jack King, Martin Luther Jr. Lincoln, Abraham Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth Lowell, James Russell Luce, Clare Boothe Mamet, David McCarthy, Cormac McCarthy, Mary Melville, Herman Mencken, H. L. Miller, Arthur Moore, Marianne Morrison, Toni Nash, Ogden Norris, Frank O’Connor, Flannery O’Neill, Eugene Paglia, Camille Paine, Thomas Parker, Dorothy Perelman, S. J. Phillips, Wendell Poe, Edgar Allan Porter, Katherine Anne Pound, Ezra Pushmataha of the Choctaws Pynchon, Thomas Robinson, Marilynne Rogers, Will Roth, Philip Salinger, J. D. Sogoyewapha of the Senecas Stafford, Jean Stegner, Wallace Stein, Gertrude Steinbeck, John Stevens, Wallace Stevenson, Adlai Stowe, Harriet Beecher Styron, William Tecumseh of the Shawnee Thoreau, Henry David Thurber, James Tocqueville, Alexis de Twain, Mark Updike, John Vonnegut, Kurt Jr. Wallace, David Foster Waowawenaonk of the Iroquois Warren, Robert Penn Welty, Eudora Wharton, Edith White, E. B. Whitman, Walt Wilder, Thornton Williams, Tennessee Williams, William Carlos Winthrop, John |
The documents labeled QUOTATIONS are not lists. The quotations in each case are arranged in a meaningful order like a monologue, usually in topical groupings, to convey as much as possible about the person in his or her own words: outlook, character, personality—even soul, if there is any evidence of one. Each quotations document is comparable to a portrait. I have the same desire as a painter to make each portrait as true to my perception of reality and as revealing of the subject as I can.
Michael Hollister (2015) | |||||||||||||||||||